Are You There, Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea
This particular memoir features random memorable moments in Chelsea's life; and when I say random, I mean random -- from Chelsea's love of midgets to disgust with red-headed men, to killing pet's definitely tons of fun!
I've said this before of Sarah Silverman
My favorite chapter in this book is Prison Break, which tells of Chelsea's experience going to jail and then prison from getting pulled over for a DUI and then being found guilty of fraud. As pathetic and lame as it sounds, this chapter makes me realize that if Chelsea Handler could have survived a few days in prison, then I could too! A particular bench warrant from a certain state obviously has me in constant fear, but if Chelsea can deal with lesbian kisses and scary women doing one-armed push-ups, then I can too!!!
All in all, this memoir is simply funny and entertaining, and of course I'm definitely going to read Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang
Have you read any comedic books lately that were just too gross or raunchy to share with your friends and family but you enjoyed it anyway? Let me know!!
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